Save Romania Union criticizes draft budget and accuses government of wanting the bankruptcy of Bucharest

Save Romania Union criticizes draft budget and accuses government of wanting the bankruptcy of Bucharest
📅 2025-01-31

USR (Save Romania Union) representatives criticize the way the draft budget was drawn up and accuse the governing coalition of "wanting the bankruptcy" of Bucharest.

USR deputy Alexandru Dimitriu reports that, according to the draft budget, 14% of what is collected from income tax in Bucharest will go directly to the National Treasury, administered by the Executive. Of the remaining money, approximately 55% will return to the districts, and the General City Hall will receive 45%. At the same time, of the 45% remaining at the General City Hall, 1.5% will go to the Ilfov County, the deputy mentions.

He said that USR will submit amendments to the State Budget Law and will continue its efforts in Parliament so that the local referendum of November 24 will be transposed into legislation.

"The Ciolacu-Bolojan government is cutting billions from the budget of the Capital City Hall, in total contempt for what the Bucharest residents voted for in the referendum initiated by mayor Nicusor Dan. The state budget draft establishes how the money is divided. And the governing coalition has set about taking revenge on the citizens who do not vote for them. (...) In Bucharest, over 5 billion euros are collected from taxes. But, in the end, the City Hall receives less than 2.5 billion. Money for operation, for subsidies, for public transport, for investments," the USR deputy writes on Facebook.

USR councillor Nicorel Nicorescu claims that the PMB budget will decrease by approximately one billion RON.

The mayor of the capital, Nicusor Dan, said on Wednesday that he was "concerned" about the "reluctance" on the part of the governing coalition regarding the transposition into legislation of the changes supported by Bucharest residents in the referendum of November 24.

"The referendum has three questions. The first one is related to the money. All parties signed, except for PSD (Social Democratic Party), which at that time said that 'we will discuss.' PNL (National Liberal Party) and UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania) said that they agree to transpose the referendum. That is, the distribution of money from Bucharest residents' taxes and fees should no longer be done at Parliament, but at the local level, at the General Council. (...) I am relatively worried, because the signals I received were that there is reluctance from the governing coalition to pass these changes, which would mean in my opinion another slap in the face to the 500,000 Bucharest residents who voted for something to happen and for it to happen quickly, not in three or four years," the mayor told Digi 24 private television council.

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