Objectives from governing program of future coalition executive

Objectives from governing program of future coalition executive
📅 2024-12-23

President Klaus Iohannis signed, on Monday, the decree regarding the appointment of Marcel Ciolacu as a candidate for the position of prime minister, in order to request the Parliament's vote of confidence on the program and the list of the new Government. We present the main priorities of the new coalition government, formed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the National Liberal Party (PNL), the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) and the parliamentary group of national minorities.

The government program foresees the progressive increase of the funding allocated to health by 1% of GDP per year, up to the European average, but also the improvement and predictability of the funding of the health system through multi-annual budgeting, the granting of deductions for complementary health insurance and the achievement of a high degree of absorption of European funds dedicated to the field of health during the period 2025-2028.

Reducing the time it takes to resolve cases and the effective implementation of court decisions is one of the priorities in the field of Justice. At the same time, it is intended to implement the decisions of the CCR, CEDO and CJEU immediately, but also to regulate the obligation of the legislative revision at a reference term of two to four years, in order to correlate the legislation with the real needs of society. In terms of efficiency and prevention, the effective application of mechanisms for the recovery of damages and all proceeds of crime is considered, Agerpres informs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue the implementation of strategies related to the prevention and combating of organized crime. Other priorities are the recovery of damages caused by the commission of crimes, limiting the impact and diminishing the negative consequences of drugs, combating illegal migration, increasing road safety, the fight against corruption among our own personnel and the coordinated fight against all illegal acts against the environment.

Digitization of the activity will be one of the priorities of the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration.
Reducing school dropout, consolidating and expanding technological and dual technological education, but also updating school programs and the professionalization of teaching staff are among the priorities of the Ministry of Education and Research.

The development of a National Center of Excellence in Cyber Defense, the creation of an integrated military communications system and the expansion of information security measures were included among the strategic objectives of the Ministry of National Defense (MApN).

The document talks about the need to "strengthen the capacity to combat hybrid hostile actions and those of disinformation" through a National Center of Excellence in Cyber Defense. 

At the same time, another priority is the strengthening of the defense dimension of Romania's strategic partnerships, but also of cooperation with allied states, especially with France, Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

The new Executive has in mind "outlining Romania's role as a regional pole of stability and security, by maintaining substantial contributions in the regions of priority interest for our country, such as the extended Black Sea region, the Western Balkans and the Eastern neighborhood of NATO and the European Union (EU)".

The revitalization and digitization of the national cultural heritage, in order to ensure greater accessibility, especially for young people, is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Culture.

President Klaus Iohannis signed, on Monday, the decree regarding the appointment of Marcel Ciolacu as a candidate for the position of prime minister, in order to request the Parliament's vote of confidence on the program and the list of the new Government.

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