Romania has sufficient commitments with the European Commission, which lead to fiscal discipline and budget deficit reduction, and I do not believe that an agreement with the International Monetary Fund is necessary, the Minister of Investments and European Projects, Marcel Bolos said in an interview for AGERPRES.
"I do not think that this is the case for an agreement with the International Monetary Fund. Romania has sufficient commitments in relation to the European Commission, from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to the Fiscal Plan, which are loaded with commitments that lead to fiscal discipline, budget deficit reduction, public expenditure restructuring. Appealing to a loan with the International Monetary Fund, traditionally, is linked to these types of reforms. We have them, we are very clearly defined with them from this point of view. As I was saying, from the fiscal reform, micro-enterprises, restructuring of fiscal facilities, tax administration reform, which means restructuring of the public expenditure system, reforms related to the governance system of state-owned companies, I do not think that Romania is missing any reform today for what the perspective of sustainability of public finances means", explained Marcel Bolos.
The minister stressed that it is important to stick to these reforms, to implement them, in order to avoid problems regarding the macroeconomic balances that Romania must have.