Congress of Carol Davila Medicine and Pharmacy University to be held on Thursday at Palace of Parliament

Congress of Carol Davila Medicine and Pharmacy University to be held on Thursday at Palace of Parliament
📅 2024-10-23

The 12th edition of the Congress of the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, to bring together over 5,700 participants, will take place October 24-26, at the Palace of the Parliament in the Capital City.

According to a press release sent to AGERPRES by the higher education institution on Wednesday, the event, which will take place under the slogan "Interdisciplinary perspectives," will mark a new stage towards academic performance and continuous medical education.

The congress will bring together doctors from all specialties, dentists, pharmacists, residents, PhD students, students, scientific researchers and, at the same time, personalities of Romanian medicine, who will be joined by prestigious lecturers from the USA, Finland, The Netherlands and Israel.

"Bringing together clinical and experimental medicine, dentistry and pharmaceutical sciences, the Congress offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the major pathologies we face and brings state-of-the-art diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic solutions to the entire medical community. I am convinced that each participant will find in the abundance of the scientific programme topics of maximum interest, having the privilege of interacting with formidable leaders of contemporary medicine, thus benefiting from a new exchange of experience and a substantial improvement of knowledge, in the spirit of interdisciplinary research, which exceeds traditional boundaries and promotes innovative approaches," stated university professor Viorel Jinga, PhD, rector of the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest.

The opening ceremony of the Congress, during which representatives of important state institutions will take the floor, will take place on Thursday, at the Palace of Parliament.

On Thursday, a film honoring the personality of professor Francisc Rainer, founder of the Romanian school of anthropology and founder of the Institute of Anthropology in Bucharest, will be shown, marking the 150th anniversary of his birth.

On Friday, the titles of Doctor Honoris Causa will be awarded to Mario Sofer (urology, Israel), Amos D Korczyn (neurology, Israel) and Hendrik Brand (dentistry, The Netherlands).

As every year, the "Carol Davila" UMF Congress enrolls in the "Young Researcher Competition" scientific programme, in which works that prove excellence in medical scientific research will be awarded. The jury of each section, made up of three experts in the respective field, will select one winner each for medical, surgical, preclinical, pharmaceutical sciences and dental medicine specialties, who will be rewarded by supporting participation in an international specialized Congress. A series of other original communications will be presented in the form of electronic posters, in a dedicated space where they can be consulted by participants throughout the duration of the Congress.

The previous editions of the Congress brought together over 73,000 participants, 2,000 lecturers (members of the Romanian Academy, professors, lecturers, doctors) and 58 foreign guests, well-known professors, who were awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.

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