Turnover in industry up 4.8pct eight months into 2024

Turnover in industry up 4.8pct eight months into 2024
📅 2024-10-18

Industrial turnover, in total (domestic and foreign markets), increased in nominal terms 4.8% in the period January 1 - August 31, 2024, compared to January 1 - August 31, 2023, according to data the National Institute of Statistics (INS) released on Friday, inform agerpres.ro.

Business in industry was boosted by an increase in manufacturing (+5.5%), while mining and quarrying fell 11.3%.

By major industrial groups, increases in turnover were recorded in the following sectors: capital goods industry (+9.2%), durable goods industry (+5.3%), consumer goods industry (+3.6%), energy industry and intermediate goods industry (+2% each).

In August 2024, industrial turnover in total (domestic and foreign markets) dropped compared with July 2024 by 11.8% in nominal terms, as a result of a 12.3% decline in manufacturing. Mining and quarrying increased 5.1%.

By major industry groups, decreases were recorded in capital goods (-18.7%), energy (-9.5%), intermediate goods (-9.1%), durable goods (-8.6%) and consumer goods (-6.3%).

In nominal terms, turnover in industry advanced 4.2% in August 2024 compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, due to increases in mining and quarrying (+6.5%) and in the manufacturing industry (+4.2%).

By major industrial groups, the capital goods industry (+10.9%), the durable goods industry (+6.5%), the consumer goods industry (+4.6%) and the intermediate goods industry (+1.2%) recorded growth. The energy industry declined 8.1%.

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