Romanians over 45 apply the least for new jobs (recruitment platform)

Romanians over 45 apply the least for new jobs (recruitment platform)
📅 2024-10-23

People in the 45+ age class are forming the professional category with the lowest level of activity in terms of applications and intention to change careers, with just over 100,000 applications per month, according to an online recruitment platform.

In comparison, candidates between 25 and 35 years old together send almost 400,000 applications per month, those between 18 and 24 years old 350,000 applications, and those between 36 and 45 years old almost 200,000 applications, according to

"There is another category under 45 years old, we are talking about candidates who are under 18 years old, where there are about 10,000 applications per month, butwe are talking about a relatively small base of candidates, given that the law allows the right to work only after the age of 16. Compared to such a small total pool, but also to the fact that they already have a basic occupation, namely that of a student, it is expected that their activity on the labour market will also be limited. Therefore, they cannot compare on an equal footing with the other segments of candidates," according to Roxana Draghici, head of sales at

Since the beginning of the year, out of the more than ten million applications on the, only 10%, or one million, have come from candidates who are over 45 years old. The areas in which they looked for work were retail, construction, services, transport / logistics and financial services. The lowest interest was shown for the offers posted by employers in education / training, media / internet, oil & gas, insurance, real estate, marketing or IT.

"There are some specific elements that distinguish the areas of interest of this age group from those of the younger age groups. For example, the more we talk about jobs in fields that require a higher level of digitisation, fluent knowledge of one or more foreign languages or the more dynamic the pace of work, the more reluctant candidates are to apply. In fact, our surveys also show that, as they get older, candidates value stability, a predictable work environment and a certain degree of comfort that employers can offer rather than aspects such as the possibility of working from home or opportunities for career growth."

While at a general level the percentage of applications for remote jobs is about 15% of the total, in terms of applications from candidates who are over 45 years old, the share does not exceed 5%. They are also reluctant when it comes to moving abroad, given that only 1.6% of applications for this age group are for jobs abroad.

With the same argument of stability, more than 90% of the applications are for full-time jobs. Only 70,000 of the one million applications registered since the beginning of the year are for part-time jobs.

The distribution of applications according to the candidates' level of experience shows that the mid-level segment (2-5 years of experience) is the most active in looking for a new job. Then come those who apply for entry level jobs (0-2 years of experience). In that case, we are talking about candidates who have either gone through a process of professional reconversion, or are willing to accept jobs that do not require a particular specialisation. Only a third of the applications come from candidates with a seniority level of more than 5 years and less than 10% from managers.

At the moment, 23,000 jobs are available on, a platform that manually verifies all ads and companies. Ads are posted on the platform with salaries displayed, jobs in all areas and industries and remote jobs.

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