Princess Muna al-Hussein, decorated by Romanian Crown Custodian at Elisabeta Palace

Princess Muna al-Hussein, decorated by Romanian Crown Custodian at Elisabeta Palace
📅 2024-10-25

Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein, mother of the Hashemite Sovereign of Jordan, King Abdullah II of Jordan, was decorated with the "Custodian of the Romanian Crown" Royal Family Order on Thursday evening, inform

The ceremony took place in the Hall of Kings of the Elisabeta Palace, in the presence of Her Majesty Margareta, His Royal Highness Prince Radu, Her Royal Highness Princess Sofia and Her Royal Highness Princess Maria.

His Royal Highness Prince Radu praised Romania's relationship with Jordan, one of our most important allies in the past, present and future, as well as the soul motivation of the country to be close to the Hashemite Kingdom.

Romania also has a spiritual motivation to be close to Jordan, because for five decades now, thousands, if not tens of thousands of Jordanian intellectuals have been fluent in Romanian, some of them have founded families that include Romanians and are as patriotic and as attached to our country as they are to their motherland. There is also a very strong family bond, from King Mihai and King Hussein, to Crown Custodian Margareta and King Abdullah II, the royal families have made a permanent effort to bring the Middle East closer to South-Eastern Europe and to make our countries a model of cooperation, said Prince Radu.

He paid tribute to the presence in Romania of Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein, mother of the Hashemite Sovereign of Jordan, who will soon celebrate 20 years of visiting our country for generous projects related to vocational education, defence, health and social projects.

The Decoration of the Royal Family Order - Custodian of the Romanian Crown - was presented by Her Majesty Margareta.

The Jordanian high guest characterised the event as a true moment of pride.

Not only for me, but for all those with whom I have had the privilege to work together throughout my career, receiving this award is a reflection of the strong ties of friendship between Jordan and Romania. The two nations have a history of cooperation, mutual respect and cultural exchanges, through which, over the years, we have built bridges between different fields: economic, educational, cultural, which have enriched us as we move forward, said Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein.

She voiced her confidence that these ties will continue to flourish, allowing us to work towards a future that benefits both nations.

I am deeply honored to play a role, however small, in furthering this relationship (...) and I look forward to continuing to develop the relationship between Jordan and Romania into a partnership, the mother of the Hashemite Sovereign of Jordan also said.

At the invitation of the Romanian authorities, Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein is paying a visit to Romania from Monday, October 21 to Friday, October 25.

On Thursday evening, Crown Custodian Her Majesty Margareta hosted an official dinner in honour of Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein of Jordan. Attending the event were Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu, presidential advisor Diana Loreta Paun, secretary of state Raed Arafat, Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Giampiero Gloder, Ambassador of Jordan in Bucharest Mutaz Khasawneh, Patriarchal Bishop-Vicar Varlaam Ploiesteanul, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, representatives of the Muftiate of the Muslim Cult in Romania, representatives of the Order of Nurses in Romania, high guests from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as well as members of Her Majesty's House.

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