Bucharest Stock Exchange opens Friday's session higher

Bucharest Stock Exchange opens Friday's session higher
📅 2024-10-25

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) opened higher on most indices on Friday, and the value of trading amounted to 1.46 million lei (294,744 euro), after 30 minutes from the start of the trading session, inform agerpres.ro.

The main index BET, which shows the evolution of the 20 most liquid companies, recorded an appreciation of 0.37%, while the BET-Plus index, which shows the evolution of the 43 most liquid shares of the BVB, recorded an advance of 0.36%.

At the same time, the broad blue-chip index BET-XT, of the 25 most liquid stocks, opened 0.37% up, while the benchmark for investment funds, BET-BK, was up 0.35%.

The BET-FI index of SIFs went up 0.37%, while the BET-NG, the index of ten companies in the energy and utilities sector, advanced 0.15%.

The BET AeRO index, which includes 20 companies representative of the AeRO market, was down 0.19%.

According to BVB data, the biggest increases in share value were recorded by SIF Hoteluri (+7.95%), Zentiva (+4.17%) and Transilvania Investments Alliance (+2.43%).

On the other hand, Carbochim (-9.42%), Patria Bank (-2.38%) and Socep (-2.15%) stocks were down.

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