President Klaus Iohannis pays official visit to Germany Friday through Monday

President Klaus Iohannis pays official visit to Germany Friday through Monday
📅 2024-11-15

President Klaus Iohannis will pay an official visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, from Friday to Monday, at the invitation of federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier, informs Agerpres.

According to the Presidential Administration, the president will meet federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier, chancellor Olaf Scholz and the president of the Bundestag, Barbel Bas.

Klaus Iohannis was also invited to deliver a speech in the Federal Parliament on the occasion of the solemn ceremony dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of War and Dictatorship, on Sunday.

The official visit of president Klaus Iohannis follows the visit paid to Romania by German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier last year and strengthens the dynamic Romanian-German dialogue, reflecting the excellent, strategic relations existing between Romania and Germany.

"These relations are based on traditional friendship, in-depth cooperation at bilateral, European and multilateral levels, as well as long-standing historical and interpersonal ties. The important Romanian community in Germany and the German minority in Romania play an essential role in this relationship, acting as catalysts for dialogue and cooperation," the Presidential Administration says in the same press release.

The same source indicates that the meetings with the president and the federal chancellor will focus on deepening Romanian-German cooperation in all current areas, in political, security and economic terms. Germany is Romania's main trading partner and the second largest investor in the Romanian economy and at the same time a reliable ally of Romania, which contributes significantly to ensuring European security.

"Given the current security threats and the difficult international context, the discussions will also focus on issues related to security and military cooperation, including strengthening the deterrence posture on NATO's Eastern Flank and consolidating the transatlantic relationship. Also on the agenda are continued support for Ukraine and support for the stabilization and development of the Republic of Moldova, as well as supporting its European path. The discussions will also address the challenges facing the European Union in the current domestic and international context, as well as measures to maintain EU's competitiveness and its unity of action," the Presidential Administration points out.

In the speech he will deliver in the Federal Parliament, on the occasion of the solemn ceremony dedicated to the Day of Remembrance, Klaus Iohannis will pay tribute to the memory of the victims of war, tyranny and violence.

The programme of the president's official visit to Germany also includes a visit to the Deutschlandhaus, the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion and Reconciliation, and the laying of a wreath at the Neue Wache memorial, dedicated to the victims of war and dictatorship.

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