Poet Mihai Eminescu to be promoted based on partnership between Ipotesti Memorial and Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Poet Mihai Eminescu to be promoted based on partnership between Ipotesti Memorial and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
📅 2024-10-23

The "Mihai Eminescu" National Research Centre - Memorialul Ipotesti [The Ipotesti Memorial - editor's note], which is a cultural institution of a national importance under the subordination of the Botosani County Council, will conclude a partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote great Romanian romantic poet Eminescu's work and the Romanian culture.

According to a press release from the Botosani County Council on Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is going to support, including through its diplomatic missions and consular offices, joint projects with Memorialul Ipotesti, in Romania and abroad, with the participation of the representatives of the Romanian diplomacy and also representatives of the Memorialul Ipotesti. Under the same partnership, there will also be promoted the various projects and initiatives of the Ipotesti Memorial, which are meant to maintain the connection with the Romanian diaspora, and also various research and documentary activities, with a fund to be established to finance the cultural and science diplomacy expertise.

"The emphasis we have placed in recent years on cultural activities and the involvement of the team from Memorialul Ipotesti, led by Mrs. Ala Sainenco, have made Botosani County a pivot of cultural collaboration with the Romanian diaspora. This agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs comes in continuation of the collaboration we have had with the Romanian Embassy in Berlin. The first large-scale action that will be carried out within the framework of this agreement will take place on the occasion of the Eminescu Day - National Culture Day, which will be celebrated on January 15," said the president of the Botosani County Council, Doina Federovici.

The "Mihai Eminescu" National Research Centre - Ipotesti Memorial is a member of "The platform dedicated to academic and excellence cooperation with the institutions and professional environments in Romania." The platform was built by the Romanian Embassy in Berlin, together with members of the academic diaspora and with the participation of the Metropolitanate of Germany, Central and Northern Europe, as well as the Citizen Next IT Association, within a partnership consortium.

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