PM Ciolacu: Reorganization and merger of agencies within SGG and Government's own operating apparatus, to be started

PM Ciolacu: Reorganization and merger of agencies within SGG and Government's own operating apparatus, to be started
📅 2025-01-15

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that a reorganization and a merger of the agencies within the Secretariat-General of the Government and the Government's own operating apparatus will be started this month.

He was asked how the reorganization of the budgetary apparatus of the ministries, agencies and other public institutions will be carried out and what will be the first steps in this regard.

"The first steps will be taken by the prime minister. We will start with a reorganization and a merger of the agencies within the Secretariat-General of the Government and the Government's own operating apparatus. I will conduct the first restructuring, with which I will come up this month. Naturally, I am waiting for the partners to make me a proposal for Secretary General of the Government, which will most certainly happen next week, and it is normal to wait for the new secretary general of the Government ... We have conducted an own analysis with the head of the chancellery and we know what we want," Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday, after the working meeting with the Finance Minister.

When asked about the measures taken in this regard, the prime minister underlined that the legislative framework was created and some reorganizations, though insufficient, were carried out within the ministries last year.

At the same time, he announced that within the coalition, an analysis of the situation regarding the boards of directors of state-owned companies will be presented.
"We have an analysis that we will present today... We have an analysis in the works - the head of the chancellery is here - which we have asked for in order to present it to the coalition and to take the necessary measures to prevent such things from happening again. Analyses are being carried out for all the companies. There are some proposals to merge these regulators, based on European practice. Let us draw a comparison. For example, I have made a lot of comparisons with Germany, to see how it works there, and we will come up with laws that will amend these things. Romania needs structural reform. All three co-presidencies, together with the three deputy prime ministers, have taken this on, and you will see that we will see it through to the end," Ciolacu explained.
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