Operation Jupiter continuing with 340 searches

Operation Jupiter continuing with 340 searches
📅 2024-10-23

A total of 340 searches are carried out on Wednesday morning as part of Operation "Jupiter," under the coordination of the Prosecutor's Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR), IGPR announced.

According to a press release sent to AGERPRES, 340 house searches are being carried out as part of operational actions to bring to justice persons involved in committing criminal offenses and to protect the community from illegal activities.

The activities are carried out as part of criminal cases in which investigations are made in the area of economic crime (tax evasion, abuse of office, smuggling, embezzlement), criminal investigations (qualified theft, fraudulent financial transactions, illegal access to a computer system, deceit), weapons, explosives and dangerous substances (poaching, trafficking in toxic products or substances, qualified smuggling, failure to comply with the weapons and ammunition regime) and public order (disturbing public order and peace, theft), the source said.

The actions aim at documenting the criminal activity of the persons under investigation, recovering damages and seizing assets obtained from crimes or illegally owned.

The detected persons will be taken to hearings in order to take legal measures in each case.

Wednesday's activities are carried out in the context of measures taken at the level of the Romanian Police to combat crime of any kind.

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