Ministry of Education: Romania receives formal approval from OECD in educational policy field

Ministry of Education: Romania receives formal approval from OECD in educational policy field
📅 2024-12-21

Romania has received the OECD's formal opinion in the field of educational policy, a stage that confirms the completion of the assessment process and the alignment of national policies with the standards promoted by the organization in the field of education and skills, the relevant ministry informs on Saturday.

According to a press release of the Ministry of Education, the written procedure for receiving the formal opinion was initiated upon the recommendation of the Education Policy Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), following the assessment session on Romania, held in Paris on November 19, 2024. Within this exercise, there were assessed Romania's capacity and determination to implement the substantial legal instruments of the OECD that fall within the competence of the Education Policy Committee (EDPC), as well as the alignment of policies and practices in the field of education with the standards and good practices of OECD members.

The following priority actions were taken into account: the quality of programmes and results, opportunities and equal access to education, as well as strengthening governance.

The OECD thus finalized Romania's assessment in the field of education and training, with the letter from the EDPC president encouraging our country to adopt future actions to strengthen school leadership, the development of dual education, continuing education, access to quality education and training in rural communities, the recognition of prior non-formal and informal learning, financing or governance, the aforementioned press release states.

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, believes that the favourable opinion is a confirmation of the need for the reforms provided for in this legislative package to be implemented.

"It was a privilege to be able to contribute to the process of Romania's accession to the OECD as minister of education, especially since this period coincided with stages in the development of the new education laws. This favourable opinion is a confirmation of the need for the reforms provided for in this legislative package to be implemented. I am convinced that belonging to a community of countries that prioritize education as the basis of social and economic development is a huge opportunity for Romania. Together with OECD partners, we will succeed in transforming the education system to meet current and future challenges. The expertise that the OECD offers and the chance to learn from successful education systems will be a real support for the Romanian education system to be more equitable and of quality, as every child deserves," said Ligia Deca, quoted in the press release. AGERPRES

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