Ciuca, message for citizens of Rep. of Moldova: Referendum, best chance to reunite within the EU

Ciuca, message for citizens of Rep. of Moldova: Referendum, best chance to reunite within the EU
📅 2024-10-19

President of the Senate Nicolae Ciuca said in a message addressed to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova that Sunday's constitutional referendum is the best chance for a reunification within the European Union, inform

"Tomorrow's referendum is the biggest and best chance to reunite within the European Union. I urge you to vote, to vote for yourselves and your children. Tomorrow's vote is about prosperity and security. The referendum is an essential step for the country's democratic future and full integration into the European Union. Romania, all of us, stand by your side," Nicolae Ciuca said.

He urged Moldovans living in Romania to vote.

"To those of you who live or study in Romania, I say to you with complete confidence: your vote is a sign of concern for your country and family. Go and vote. You have succeeded in defeating the communists, you have succeeded in setting the Republic of Moldova on the path of the West and of freedom. You have just one step to go. Be part of this historic change," Nicolae Ciuca said.

A republican constitutional referendum will be held in the Republic of Moldova on Sunday, the same day as the election of the country's president. Citizens will answer the question "Do you support the amendment of the Constitution in view of the Republic of Moldova's accession to the European Union?".

The draft amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova provides for the addition of two new paragraphs to the Constitution, reconfirming the European identity of the people of the Republic of Moldova and the irreversibility of the country's European course. Moreover, the European Union integration of the Republic of Moldova will be declared as a strategic objective of the country. The document also provides for the addition of a new title to the Constitution - "European Union Integration".

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