Budget draft/Integrity Agency, Energy Ministry, Environment Ministry expect the largest increases in budget appropriations

Budget draft/Integrity Agency, Energy Ministry, Environment Ministry expect the largest increases in budget appropriatio
📅 2025-01-31

The National Integrity Agency (ANI), the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests have the largest proposed increases in budget appropriations in 2025, while the most significant decreases are proposed for the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to the draft budget published by the Ministry of Finance.

Thus, ANI has commitment credits of 100.578 million RON (plus 13.1%) and budget appropriations of 87.379 million RON (plus 229.82%), the Ministry of Energy has commitment credits of 5.967 billion RON (plus 67.73%) and budget appropriations of 15.273 billion RON (plus 161.14%) and the Ministry of Environment has 11.255 billion RON (plus 31.94%), respectively 4.84 billion RON (plus 55.62%).

The Ministry of Interior has 1.63% higher commitment credits (35.187 billion RON) and 2.68% higher budget appropriations (34.029 billion RON), the Ministry of National Defence has an increase of 19.61% in commitment credits (108.981 billion RON) and 10.18% in budget credits (42.755 billion RON) and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has an increase of 332% in commitment credits (150.002 billion RON) and 19.66% in budget credits (43.266 billion RON). The commitment credits of the Ministry of Education are increasing by 28.28% (to 75.862 billion RON) and the budget ones by 9.86% (to 64.818 billion RON), the Ministry of Investments and European Projects has an increase of 24.36% in commitments (29.845 billion RON) and 37.93% in budget appropriations (15.74 billion RON), and the commitment credits of the Ministry of Health are higher by 13.19% (to 30.338 billion lei), and the budget ones by 35.11% (to 27.986 billion RON).

The Ministry of Labour, Family, Youth and Social Solidarity has commitment credits of 95.607 billion RON (plus 15.14%) and budget appropriations of 96.111 billion RON (plus 17%), the Ministry of Finance has commitment credits of 25.153 billion RON (plus 101.9%) and budget appropriations of 12.074 billion RON (plus 38.52) and for general actions commitment credits of 87.713 billion RON (plus 43.93%) and budget credits of 85.918 billion RON (plus 39.61%), the Ministry of Economy, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship and Tourism has commitment credits of 4.046 billion RON (plus 194.55%) and budget credits of 2.94 billion RON (plus 46.56%) and the Ministry of Justice has 4.706 billion RON (plus 17.58%), respectively 4.154 billion RON (plus 16.18%).

For the Ministry of Agriculture, the draft provides for an increase in commitment credits by 7.53%, to 37.964 billion RON and a decrease in budget credits by 5.76%, to 25.785 billion RON, for the Ministry of Culture a 37.29% increase in commitment credits, to 2.49 billion RON, and a 1.16% reduction in budget credits, to 1.404 billion RON, and for the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration an 8.87% increase in commitment credits, to 35.145 billion RON and a 12.15% decrease in budget credits, to 21.662 billion RON.

The commitment credits of the Public Ministry are lower by 17.57% (by 2.145 billion RON) and the budget credits by 16.74% (2.155 billion RON).

The Presidential Administration has commitment credits of 122.41 million RON (plus 19.23%) and budget credits of 102.715 mllion RON (minus 10.35%), the Senate of Romania of 281.44 million RON (minus 4.67%), as well as budget appropriations (minus 4.34%), the Chamber of Deputies commitment credits of 576.309 million RON (minus 7.17%) and budget appropriations of 576.309 million RON (minus 6.81%), the High Court of Cassation and Justice commitment credits of 3.471 billion RON (minus 26.32%) and budget credits of 3.445 billion RON (minus 25.67%), the Constitutional Court commitment credits of 50.33 million RON (minus 11.82%), and budget credits of 50.33 million RON (minus 11.36%) and the General Secretariat of the Government of 2.692 billion RON (up 17.3%), respectively of 2.373 billion RON (up 8.35%).

As for the services, the Romanian Intelligence Service has commitment credits of 5.152 billion RON (up 7.85%) and budget credits of 4.435 billion RON (up 11.62%), the Foreign Intelligence Service commitment credits of 911.7 million RON (up 22.18%) and budget appropriations of 811.7 million RON (up 5.41%), the Security and Protection Service commitment credits of 404.86 million RON (up 4.41%) and budget appropriations of 443.293 million RON (up 15.11%) and the Special Telecommunications Service commitment credits of 2.277 billion RON (up 73.75%) and budget appropriations of 2.415 billion RON (up 50.54%).

The Romanian Academy's commitment credits are higher by 19.98% (to 680.98 million RON) and the budget ones by 24.06%, to 665.98 million RON, while the commitment credits of the Romanian Cultural Institute are decreasing by 1.03% (to 38.55 million RON) and the budget ones by 0.48% (also 38.55 million RON).

The National Council for the Resolution of Complaints has commitment credits, respectively budget appropriations of 17.712 million RON (minus 5.27%), the Court of Accounts commitment credits of 620.72 million RON (plus 25.57%) and budget appropriations of 576.1 million RON (plus 38.7%), the Competition Council commitment/budget credits of 106.35 million RON (plus 32.21%) and the Ombudsman of 25.98 million RON (plus 2.4%).

The draft budget provides for commitment credits of 33.106 million RON (plus 91.84%) and budget appropriations of 22.256 million RON (plus 29.52%) for the National Audiovisual Council, commitment/budgetary credits of 32.517 million RON (plus 4.95%) for the National News Agency AGERPRES, commitment/budgetary credits of 446 million RON (plus 3.08%) for the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company and 474 million RON (plus 0.18%) for the Romanian Television Company.

The Ministry of Finance published the draft budget for this year on Thursday night, built on an economic growth of 2.5%, which brings the value of the Gross Domestic Product to 1,912 billion RON at current prices.

The average annual inflation on which the budget was calculated is 4.4%.

The budget deficit is estimated at 7.04% of GDP.

Consolidated budget revenues are estimated at 667.523 billion RON, representing 34.9% of GDP, and expenditures at 802.170 billion RON, respectively 41.9% of GDP.

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