We want Romania to reach the top 10 economies in European Union in next 5 years, PM Ciolacu says

We want Romania to reach the top 10 economies in European Union in next 5 years, PM Ciolacu says
📅 2024-10-23

Romania is strongly anchored in the regional and international community, and the plan is that in the next five years Romania to reach the top 10 economies in the European Union, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu told a business and tech event, through a message read on Wednesday by Florin Spataru, state adviser in the Prime Minister's Chancellery.

"The prospects of the modern space economy in South-Eastern Europe represent a subject that concerns the governments of the region and are in close correlation with the current geostrategic context, being at the same time the subject of numerous debates and analyzes by government experts and specialists from business milieu, from the academic area and from the social partners. (...) Three years ago we started a program to restructure the country, the economy and the Romanian society from the deepest foundations. The fact that we have these discussions organized by Mastercard, for the first time in Romania, with international experts on the trends in the economy, finance, the competitiveness of European digital technologies and the position of the South-Eastern Europe region means that what we do, we do well", emphasized the prime minister, in the message read by Florin Spataru.

The prime minister mentioned that the entire development strategy that was implemented in recent years is correct and the fruits are beginning to be seen.

"We are strongly anchored in the regional and international community, and the plan for Romania talks about that, about the construction of Romania after a long series of errors, a reconstruction based on balance, responsibility, assumption. We want Romania to reach in the next five years top 10 economies in the European Union, but that means economic development, maximizing the well-being of Romanians, raising the standard of living, re-industrialization based on the promotion of the manufacturing industry, on supporting agriculture and Romanian farmers, on fair and correct measures for the workforce and pensioners, on supporting the business milieu and increasing employment among young people. First of all, through major investments in industry and energy, in education and health, in the environment and in people, through economic patriotism and productivity, through balanced development between Romania's regions. Thinking about the future of Romania is far-reaching and your presence here helps us, through the ideas and solutions presented, to integrate digital and technological evolution into the country's project for the next 5 years. We have challenges in every direction we look. I am convinced, however, that we can reach that level of comfort and sustainable economic development that we are projecting together with the Romanians and for the Romanians, and the conclusions drawn here today will be of real use to us", the prime minister added.

Between October 23-24, 2024, the Face Convention Center in Bucharest is hosting IMPACT Bucharest, presented by Mastercard, the most important business and tech event in the region, bringing together industry leaders and innovators from all over South and Eastern Europe.

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