Victoria Palace of Government to be illuminated in blue to mark EU Anti-Trafficking Day

Victoria Palace of Government to be illuminated in blue to mark EU Anti-Trafficking Day
📅 2024-10-18

The Victoria Palace of Government will be illuminated in blue on Friday evening, marking the EU Anti-Trafficking Day, as a sign of solidarity with the victims of the crime of trafficking in human beings which dramatically changes destinies, informs a Government press release sent to AGERPRES.

"We are joining this symbolic action and as a gesture of reconfirmation of our full commitment to the EU's joint efforts to eradicate human trafficking. Romania continues to implement measures to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings. The new national strategy in this field adopted by the Government for the period 2024-2028 and the related action plan offer an approach more adapted to the current realities, through which we can prevent and punish trafficking in human beings, while at the same time offering protection and support to victims, streamlining inter-institutional cooperation and developing partnerships in this field with civil society, non-governmental organizations and third countries," said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.

He mentioned that human trafficking is a flagrant and reprehensible violation of fundamental rights, "against which we will continue to take coherent and firm action".

"We stand with those on the front line in this fight and with those who need support after they have fallen victim to human trafficking," he said.

In addition to the ambitious framework provided by the new national strategy, Romania's efforts to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings will also benefit over the next 5 years from financial support from the United States of America, amounting to 10 million USD. This program aims to improve the national system for preventing and combating child trafficking, following the Child Protection Compact Partnership that the Romanian Government signed with the US government in mid-September this year, the press release further reads.

The EU Anti-Trafficking Day, marked every year on October 18, was established in 2007, following the recommendation of the European Parliament and a proposal submitted by the European Commission, to raise awareness of the dangers of this scourge and the traumatic consequences for victims, while promoting the need to prevent and combat this form of organized crime.

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