US ambassador Kavalec: Many of the refugees from Ukraine are vulnerable people

US ambassador Kavalec: Many of the refugees from Ukraine are vulnerable people
📅 2024-10-18

Millions of Ukrainians had to flee their homes following Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, and many of them are vulnerable persons, members of religious and ethnic minorities, women and children, elderly, and persons with disabilities, US ambassador to Romania Kathleen Kavalec said on Friday.

She drew attention on Friday at a donor meetup event that Ukrainians are vulnerable to trafficking, sexual and gender-based violence, hate crimes, discrimination, and other forms of abuse.

Kavalec added that some of them struggle with war-related trauma. Others focus on the fate of their loved ones who couldn't flee the war or are fighting on the frontline. She said that starting with February 2022, every sector of Romanian society made extraordinary efforts to assist their neighbours from Ukraine.

"Unfortunately, the senseless war against Ukraine and the ensuing Ukrainian refugee plight is not over. Approximately 100,000 refugees are currently staying in Romania, most of them women, children, and elderly with vulnerabilities," added the US ambassador.

In his turn, French ambassador in Bucharest Nicolas Warnery said that France's support for Ukraine has been constant since the first day of Russia's aggression. He added that the support covers all possible areas, including training Ukrainian soldiers, and civilian aid.

He pointed out that together with the European partners, France has taken decisive political steps, recognising Ukraine's status as a candidate state for accession to the European Union. He added that Ukrainians continue to flee the war and drew attention to their needs.

German Ambassador in Bucharest Peer Gebauer commended Romania for its response to the refugee situation, for the efforts of the entire society to support them. He said that Germany is one of the actors interested in the humanitarian response to the refugee crisis, that it hosts Ukrainians who have fled the war and that it is one of the major contributors to humanitarian aid.

Italian ambassador to Romania Alfredo Maria Durante Mangoni said that his country is the fourth destination in Europe for the flows of Ukrainians fleeing the war.

He commended Romanians for their support to refugees from Ukraine, saying that by helping Ukraine, Romania is making an investment in its future and that of the region.

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