The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) does not support the dismissal of President Klaus Iohannis because such an approach would divide the Romanian society, Development Minister Cseke Attila declared on Wednesday, completing his remarks with a plea for stability.
"A president's dismissal reverberates in society - both on the side that wants it done, and on the side that doesn't want it. However, in 35 years we haven't dismissed a single president. We had a one-month suspension from office, but it did not end with the president's dismissal. And I believe that, as far as the state's functioning is concerned, we need to maintain a certain stability," Cseke Attila told broadcaster Digi24.
The Young People's Party (POT) announced last week that 161 POT, AUR and SOS lawmakers signed for the suspension of President Klaus Iohannis, and the signatures were submitted to the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies.