Trade unionists protest rally in Victoriei Square upended by Calin Georgescu supporters

Trade unionists protest rally in Victoriei Square upended by Calin Georgescu supporters
📅 2025-01-24

Railway workers, reservists, police officers, miners, foresters, steel workers and energy employees took part in a protest rally organized on Friday in Victoriei Square, amid the discontent generated by the "little train ordinance", the pensions law and the non-application of the railway personnel statute.

Other trade unions and trade union federations, such as those of pensioners, police, army, etc., as well as from other sectors of activity, such as Henry Coanda airport and Metrorex also joined the protest.

Also on Friday, on the celebration of the Day of the Unification of Romanian Principalities, former independent presidential candidate Calin Georgescu participated alongside supporters in an action titled "The Great Hora Dance of the Nation's Unification" at Military Heroes Monument in Youth Park.

Some of his supporters left the Youth Park and headed towards Victoriei Square to participate in the trade unionists rally, blocking the road traffic on the route Unirii Square - Universitate Square - Romana Square - Victoriei Square.

The Gendarmerie of the Capital announced that the trade unionists in Victoriei Square communicated that they do not agree with the presence of Georgescu's supporters, and measureswere taken to separate the two groups.

In fact, the trade unionists' protest ended early, after the supporters of Calin Georgescu came to the square.

"Due to the arrival of the large crowd of participants from the Youth Park, the organizer of the public rally in Victoriei Square declared the activity over, unwilling to associate itself with them. Moreover, some of the the supporters of Calin Georgescu unrightfully used the rally props set up in Victoriei, getting on stage and making speeches over the public address system," announced the Bucharest Gendarmerie.

Afterwards, some of the protesters present in Victoriei Square tried to break through the cordon of gendarmes and enter the roadway, and then threw blunt objects and a firecracker at the police.

Tensions erupted at around 16:20, after a group of demonstrators started to clash with the gendarmes, who were providing a security perimeter on the side of the Victoriei Square in front of the Government.

People then started throwing bottles, flags and pieces of metal broken from the fences, and at one point a firecracker was detonated.

The gendarmes were able to maintain the security cordon, and more troops were deployed in the area.

"There was a small group of protesters who tried to break through the police barricade. During these incidents, some of the protesters also threw a firecracker, trying to escalate the violence. Fortunately, the other participants did not join this initiative. In the face of these isolated actions, the gendarmes are forced to intervene specifically," Marius Militaru, spokesman for the Romanian Gendarmerie,told private broadcaster Digi24.

Shortly after the incident, the Gendarmerie denied reports that tear gas was used against protesters.

"Following the information appearing in the public space, regarding the fact that the gendarmes have used tear-gas substances, we mention that this information is false.There is still an odor in Victoriei Square coming from a firecracker thrown by demonstrators towards the gendarmes. We emphasize the fact that the gendarmes did not use irritant-lacrimatory substances or other means of equipment," says the Gendarmerie in a press release.

In addition to these incidents, a team of journalists from Digi24 TV station, broadcasting from Victoriei Square, was assaulted by supporters of Calin Georgescu.

Thus, Calin Georgescu's supporters interrupted the reporter who was broadcasting live several times, made ostentatious noise with vuvuzelas and pulled at the video camera.

"There were also people who behaved inappropriately with media representatives, although on several occasions, both in the public space and through messages, we have strongly condemned such behavior. They are unacceptable and all measures will be taken to be identified on the basis of the images," the spokesman for the Romanian Gendarmerie further said in the intervention at private broadcaster Digi24.

Traffic has been resumed in the capital after Calin Georgescu's supporters blocked traffic in downtown Bucharest.


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