Raiffeisen Bank launches My Financial Mission game in Romania

Raiffeisen Bank launches My Financial Mission game in Romania
📅 2024-10-22

Raiffeisen Bank launches in Romania the My Financial Mission game, to prepare young people between the ages of 11 and 15 to understand and use complex financial concepts, such as money management, responsible financial planning, online security and the role of banks in keeping money safe, according to a bank statement, told Agerpres.

To present these concepts in an interactive and engaging way, the game proposes four interconnected scenario modules, developed on the Minecraft Education platform, through which users help characters accumulate gold nuggets and game-specific coins and make decisions for managing, using and keeping them safe. Each module includes interactive missions, information and recommendations regarding the management of accumulated coins, but also quizzes that contribute to the understanding of how real-life money can be saved, multiplied by interest, invested and kept safe.

"We are happy to support the launch in Romania, together with Junior Achievement, of the My Financial Mission game. We believe that familiarizing children, even in school, with financial concepts explained in their own way, gives them a solid basis for the efficient management of resources when they become adults. Through the game, children learn in a natural and fun way about saving, responsible spending, investments and develop their ability to make informed decisions about money and its value", said Vladimir Kalinov, Vice President of Retail, Raiffeisen Bank Romania, quoted in the press release.

From this autumn, the My Financial Mission game will be used free of charge in schools throughout the country, through the partnership between Raiffeisen Bank and Junior Achievement (JA) Romania. More than 3,500 secondary school pupils and their teachers will benefit from an edutainment type tool that complements traditional lessons and proposes a learning method adapted to their age and the way in which pupils tend to spend their time with friends, colleagues or family.

The partnership between Raiffeisen Bank and JA Romania has thus reached its 15th edition and includes, in addition to the development component of financial planning knowledge and skills, a component addressed to high school students, to encourage responsible attitudes in resource management and the formation of impactful behaviors on the quality of life and the environment.

Thus, during the 2024-2025 school year, more than 50,000 pupils will benefit from applied learning activities and interactions with volunteers that help them understand the direct connection between money management and the sustainability of environmental resources, as well as how the choices they make as consumers they can help families, communities and the environment.

Launched in 2010, the partnership between JA Romania and Raiffeisen Bank has so far offered free financial education activities, resources and kits for 313,400 students and over 9,400 teachers, and 48 high schools have benefited from funding to improve learning conditions and access to online education.

Raiffeisen Bank, a universal bank, operates on the banking market in Romania, serving more than 2.2 million clients, individuals and legal entities.

Junior Achievement (JA) Romania, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1993 and is part of JA Worldwide USA and JA Europe.

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