Prince Radu, to the 2024 Olympic medalists: Your devotion to the country has no equal

Prince Radu, to the 2024 Olympic medalists: Your devotion to the country has no equal
📅 2024-11-14

His Royal Highness Prince Radu conveyed, on Wednesday, to the Romanian sports people who won medals at the Paris Olympic Games, during a ceremony held at the Elisabeta Palace, that the devotion to the country they give proof has no equal.

"It is an opportunity to spend moments together this end of the year, to bring honor to your wonderful profession. In fact, you can call it an evening of honor and patriotism. Your devotion to the country has no equal. Maybe only the military professions, of those who risk their lives for the future of the nation, bring with them as much patriotic vibration and honor as you bring every day. It's true that for the top achievers of the sport, the days don't look like this evening, you usually start over every morning, as the Romanian Crown does. This year was a privileged one, I had the joy of seeing you in the summer every day, we were with you and we are happy that once again in four years Romania is at the top of world sport. Even if these moments are few, your life is made up of many anonymous moments, in which you face the evils of society, the ones you try to combat with grace and talent, showing that good always triumphs," stated Prince Radu.
At the same time, His Royal Highness drew attention to the connection between the Royal House of Romania and the Olympic movement.

"I don't want to talk about the wonderful things you are doing, because everyone knows them, I would just like to tell you that it is not by chance that the Romanian Crown has such a long history with Romanian sports. When the first signals appeared in the Romanian society of professionalism and devotion to a sporting cause, the Crown was with you from that day. And not by chance, because there are many similarities between the two symbols. Respect for life, for the nation, for the other, love for the profession, all these together with patriotism and honor are common elements of the two aspects of our lives. It is not surprising that from the first sovereigns of Romania until our generation, we all tried to bring our gratitude and the honor we owe in every day. We are happy that the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, which is a kind of frame of the picture you represent, is in such a strong and lasting connection with the Romanian Crown. Be welcome and let's enjoy the only gift we can give, our affection and the emotion of an evening spent together", added Prince Radu.

The Romanian sports people who won medals at the Olympic Games in Paris, together with the leadership of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, participated, on Thursday, at the Elisabeta Palace at an official dinner in their honor, hosted by Custodian of the Crown Her Majesty Margareta and His Royal Highness Prince Radu.

The royal evening began with a ceremony in the Hall of the Kings and continued with the official dinner in the Great Hall of the palace.

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