Politehnica University hosting Start Your StartUP event

Politehnica University hosting Start Your StartUP event
📅 2024-10-23

Politehnica Bucharest National University of Science and Technology will host on Wednesday and Thursday the second edition of the "Start Your StartUP" event, where participants will have the opportunity to interact with industry leaders, investors and renowned mentors, explore the latest trends and discover opportunities for collaboration and development.

"Start Your StartUP is more than just an event - it's a catalyst for fresh ideas and revolutionary solutions. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with renowned industry leaders, investors and mentors, explore the latest trends and discover opportunities for collaboration and growth. In interactive sessions, experts from various fields will guide participants through the challenges and opportunities of modern entrepreneurship. From developing a business idea to growth and financing strategies, each workshop is designed to provide the tools for success," informs a press release of the higher education institution sent to AGERPRES.

Young entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to present their innovative ideas in front of a jury of investors and experts, receiving feedback and funding opportunities.

According to the source, participants will benefit from networking opportunities, facilitating meetings and collaborations that can open doors to new partnerships and investments.

Also, a space dedicated to emerging startups will allow them to explore new projects and connect directly with their founders to find answers and solutions to all their "fears."

"Politehnica Bucharest, through the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management, together with the Business and Entrepreneurship Centre offers students the necessary support for the transition to the business environment. Through events such as "Start Your StartUP," the university reaffirms its commitment to support innovation and entrepreneurial development," say the organisers of the event, which is free of charge.

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