Over 60 specialists to attend traditional music, dance symposium in Cluj-Napoca

Over 60 specialists to attend traditional music, dance symposium in Cluj-Napoca
📅 2024-10-18

Over 60 European specialists participate in a symposium of the South-East European Study Group of the International Council for Traditional Music and Dance, which takes place for the first time in Romania, between October 21-25, organised by the Cluj branch of the Romanian Academy.

"The Romanian Academy, the Cluj-Napoca Branch together with the Babe-Bolyai University, the Mugurelul Student Folklore Ensemble, the Folklore Archive Institute of the Romanian Academy, the Cluj-Napoca City Hall, the Transylvanian Ethnographic Museum and the Transylvania Folklore Association, organise the ninth edition of the Scientific Symposium of the South-East European Study Group (SEE) of the International Council for Traditional Music and Dance (ICTMD). The event will take place between October 21-25, 2024 at the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania. (...) Honouring the scientific event by their presence will be over 60 specialists from South-Eastern Europe, including: Mehmet Ocal Ozbilgin, president of the group, professor at the Ege State University Turkish Music Conservatory Turkish Folk Dance Department;Carol Silverman, professor emeritus in Anthropology and Folklore at the University of Oregon, US; Thede Kahl, full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and Laszlo Felfoldi, ethnochoreology lecturer at the University of Szeged and full professor at the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest," according to the Cluj branch of the Romanian Academy.

The official opening of the scientific event will take place on Monday, October 21, at the Reduta Hall of the Transylvanian Ethnographic Museum. The symposium, dedicated to specialists and enthusiasts of ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology, will bring to Cluj-Napoca, for the first time, this prestigious study group on the theme of intangible heritage in South-Eastern Europe.

Attending the event will be Doru Pamfil, chairman of the Cluj-Napoca branch of the Romanian Academy and Acad. Mihai Barbulescu, director of the Folklore Archives Institute of the Romanian Academy. Greetings will be extended by lecturer Miki Braniste of the Socio-Cultural Council of the Babes-Bolyay University; Lucian Ghisa of the Gheorghe Dima National Academy of Music; Nicoleta Cristina Demian of the Faculty of Performing Arts of the Gheorghe Dima National Academy of Music; Tudor Salagean, director of the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania, and organiser of the event; Paul-Alexandru Remes, researcher at the Folklore Archive Institute of the Romanian Academy and choreographer of the Mugurelul Student Folklore Ensemble of the Babe-Bolyai University.

Discussed will be the heritage of music and dance in South-Eastern Europe: museums, collections, archives and copyrights, the integration of dance and/or traditional music from South-Eastern Europe into artistic performances, old and new approaches for adapting local tradition to the stage, ways and contexts of transmitting traditions in music and dance in the 21st century, rehearsals, seminars, summer camps and festivals, both in person and through virtual methods.

Communications at the symposium will be exclusively in English.

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