No guarantee for the EU's food security without strong development of animal husbandry, AgriMin says

No guarantee for the EU's food security without strong development of animal husbandry, AgriMin says
📅 2024-10-24

There is no guarantee for the European Union's food security without a strong development of animal husbandry, and from this point of view, the European regulation should be amended in such a way that reproductive animals are included as eligible investments in the Strategic Plans, Agriculture Minister Florin Barbu said on Thursday at the European Farmers Congress in Bucharest.

"In debates about the future of European agriculture, we need to emphasize much more clearly the importance of animal husbandry. Livestock breeding plays an essential role in providing the protein needed to feed the population and it is vital that we continue to support this sector. The European regulation must be urgently amended, so that reproductive animals are included as eligible investments in the Strategic Plans financed from the European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development, given that now they are registered as operating assets in agricultural bookkeeping and are used in several production cycles. Without a strong development of the livestock industry, there is no guarantee for food security," Barbu stated at the Congress.

He also noted that the effects of the Ukraine war on European agriculture have not disappeared and this is why he considers the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework in the sector of agriculture should be extended until June 30, 2025 and the individual aid amount should be raised to EUR 560,000 per beneficiary.

Barbu added that in his capacity as Minister of Agriculture, he will continue to support, both at national level and within the AGRIFISH Council, the simplification of procedures for Romanian farmers, so that they have access to the resources they need and "are able to work without obstacles and increase their production under stable conditions."

One of Romania's goals is the amendment of the three European regulations that prohibit the use of neonicotinoids in the treatment of seeds (783, 784 and 785/2018), an exception that is necessary for seeds used to establish crops in regions where natural conditions constantly lead to exceeding the economic threshold of damage by soil pests. In these areas, pests represent a major problem, and farmers need effective tools to protect their crops, Florin Barbu explained.

"It is essential that we identify effective alternative solutions before banning the authorized plant protection substances that farmers currently rely on. Without such solutions, the impact on prices and farming economy could be significant, with farmers at risk of major losses, which will lead to an increase in the prices of agricultural products," he added.

"In addition, it is essential to have fair production conditions for products from third countries, with fair competitive conditions for our farmers, without the need for constant financial interventions by the state. We need to use the intervention tools foreseen at European level; to this effect, we are about to finalize the risk management tool aimed at insuring farmers against adverse climate conditions, such as severe soil dryness and atmospheric heat," he pointed out.

Also, in the opinion of the Romanian official, citizens and domestic animals must be prioritized over large carnivores, and each member state should have the freedom to take specific measures, depending on the habitat conditions and the existing population of predators.

"Together, we can find the best solutions for our farmers and cooperatives to have a predictable future. The Agriculture Ministry makes sure that the voice of farmers and cooperatives is heard and that the European legislation will be a balanced one, that backs the sustainability of the agricultural sector, and I strongly believe that it is paramount that we create a framework where every farmer in Romania and in the EU is competitive and sustainable," said the Romanian AgriMin.

More than 500 European farmers attend the European Farmers Congress which takes place in Bucharest between October 23 and 25.

COPA - COGECA is one of the largest and most active organizations in representing the interests of farmers and agricultural cooperatives in the European Union. COPA encompasses 57 European agricultural organizations, and COGECA serves and umbrella for 31 agricultural cooperative organizations.

The two organizations represent 28 million farmers and their families, as well as arund 38,000 cooperatives.

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