Navy to celebrate Romanian Armed Forces Day in six garrisons

Navy to celebrate Romanian Armed Forces Day in six garrisons
📅 2024-10-25

The Romanian Navy is celebrating today, October 25, Romanian Armed Forces Day in their garrisons in Bucharest, Constanta, Braila, Mangalia, Tulcea and Babadag, where military and religious ceremonies will be organized to honour the memory of the heroes of the motherland, inform

Romanian Navy Staff officials will go to Bucharest in the morning to attend military ceremonies organised at the Tomb of the Unknown Worrier in Carol I Park, and at noon at the Monument of the WWIII Heroes of the Motherland before the Carol I National Defence University, and at the Monument of the Fallen Heroes in the War Zones and on Romania's soil, before the National Children's Palace.

Also, officials of the military educational establishments of the Navy and the Diving Center on Friday and Saturday will set up stands an mount an exhibition of specific hardware in the courtyard of the Royal Palace in Bucharest, within the "RESPECT to the Romanian Army" event, organized on Calea Victoriei by the Ministry of National Defence, together with the Bucharest City Hall and the O.N.O.R. Association - People, Nation, Honour, Respect.

In Constanta, the military and religious ceremony will take place at the "Victory Monument" in the Archaeological Park, with the soldiers of the Romanian Navy retreating with torches on the itinerary Sports Hall - Tomis Boulevard - Traian Street - Archaeological Park - Victory Monument.

In Mangalia, wreaths will be laid at the Memorial Complex in Republicii Square.

In Braila, soldiers of the River Flotilla will participate in a military and religious ceremony at the Memorial Ensemble of the Nation's Heroes.

In Tulcea, the military and religious ceremony will take place at the Heroes' Cemetery, and in Babadag the Navy will participate in a military and religious ceremony that will take place at the Heroes' Monument.

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