National electricity transmission company Transelectrica completes first invesment with funds from Modernisation Fund

National electricity transmission company Transelectrica completes first invesment with funds from Modernisation Fund
📅 2025-01-13

The National Electricity Transmission Company Transelectrica has completed the investment regarding the implementation of a metering and management system for electricity measurement data on the wholesale market, with total financing for the entire project amounting to 88.806 million RON, according to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Monday.

According to the same source, the project implementation period is until May 2027.

Company representatives claim that the investment was made to optimize the metering activity and align with the new requirements of the Electricity Metering Code, the first component of the project financed from the Modernisation Fund "Digitalizstion of the Romanian Electricity Transmission Network by Installing Two Online Systems, for Metering and Management of Electricity Metering Data on the Wholesale Market and for Monitoring Electricity Quality."

"A total non-refundable financing of 88,806,776.94 RON was obtained for the entire project. Through the implementation of this project, the existing telemetering system for the wholesale market was replaced with a new system for metering and management of electricity metering data on the wholesale market, a system that will allow the acquisition of data from meters with an integration period of 1 minute, 15 minutes and 60 minutes," the press release states.
As part of the investment regarding the implementation of a metering and management system for electricity metering data on the wholesale market, a new IT platform, a backup system (Disaster Recovery), and telemetering subsystems were installed in 107 locations, namely high-voltage electrical substations belonging to Transelectrica and third parties, the same source specifies.

Among the main benefits brought by this investment are: promoting open technologies and systems, as well as the requirements of the Smart Metering concept; guaranteeing the correctness and security of data; flexibility of the system in relation to legislative changes; implementing the requirements of the Electricity Metering Code, both those relating to the quantities read from the meters, and those regarding functionalities and ensuring IT security.

Other benefits brought by this investment are: implementing modern management and control concepts, as well as improving customer support services; management of all meters; publishing measured data under the responsibility of Transelectrica will be done at shorter intervals, so that the information that will benefit participants in the energy markets will be useful in reducing electricity consumption and costs.

Thus, energy market participants will be able to take quick, informed measures, contributing to the security of the energy system and increasing energy efficiency.

Currently, the second component of the project is underway, namely "Implementation of a Power Quality Monitoring System (PQMS), which includes: subsystems for monitoring the quality of electricity in electrical transformer stations, an IT platform and equipment for ensuring cybersecurity."

The main objectives are to extend the monitoring of electricity quality along the entire electricity transmission network, maintain electricity quality according to the Performance Standard and reduce the time required to complete this process.

As Transmission and System Operator (TSO), Transelectrica ensures the operational security of the National Electricity System (SEN) and the permanent improvement of the technological performance and adequacy of the Electric Transmission Network (RET).

CNTEE Transelectrica SA holds the position of natural monopoly on the Romanian electricity market, being the first company with majority state capital listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange under the "A Strong Market - Capital Market Development" programme.

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