Jupiter operation continuing wiht over 200 searches

Jupiter operation continuing wiht over 200 searches
📅 2024-10-24

The police will carry out more than 200 searches as part of Operation "Jupiter" on Thursday, under the coordination of the Prosecutor's Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Inspectorate General of the Romanian Police (IGPR) announced.

According to a press release sent to AGERPRES, 232 house searches are being carried out as part of operational actions to bring to justice persons involved in committing criminal offenses and to protect the community from illegal activities.

"The activities are carried out as part of criminal cases in which investigations are made in the area of economic crime (tax evasion, smuggling, money laundering, forgery), criminal investigations (fraud, pimping, qualified robbery), weapons, explosives and dangerous substances (poaching, failure to comply with the arms and ammunition regime, qualified smuggling) and public order (disturbing public order and peace, forest offenses)," the source mentions.

The actions are aimed at documenting the criminal activity of the persons under investigation, recovering damages and seizing assets obtained from the commission of offenses or illegally owned.

The detected persons will be taken to hearings and legal measures will be taken in each case.

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