IT unionists demand employers to cover salary differences arising as result of eliminating fiscal facilities

IT unionists demand employers to cover salary differences arising as result of eliminating fiscal facilities
📅 2025-01-16

The Alliance of Trade Unions in Information Technology and Communications (ANTIC) demands that employers in IT and in the sectors affected by the austerity ordinance cover the salary differences arising as a result of the elimination of fiscal facilities, informs Agerpres.

According to a press release from the IT unions, the Government eliminated the tax benefits granted to employees in the IT, construction and agriculture sectors with salaries of up to 10,000 RON, a decision that led to a significant reduction in net salaries, directly affecting the incomes of employees with amounts between 500 and 1,000 RON monthly.

"We invite the employers in IT and the other affected sectors to stop the masquerade and assume a responsible role towards their employees. Covering the salary difference that has arisen as a result of the elimination of tax facilities is a moral duty, especially in the context in which these companies have built huge profits due to these benefits. Employees in IT, construction and agriculture do not have to punished for the state's decisions. It's time for big companies to show that they value the people who built their success and keep their salaries intact," ANTIC representatives say.

They criticize the attitude of the big companies, especially in the IT field, "which have benefited for years from the generosity of the Romanian state through tax facilities, but which now refuse to compensate the salary losses of the employees".

Instead, the unionists say we are witnessing a "revenge" directed at their own employees, masking the decision under the pretext of punishing the state.

"At the same time, many of these companies claim, through press releases, that the elimination of facilities could lead to the migration of businesses and jobs to other countries. But let's not forget that, in the parent company from other countries, an IT employee receives at least three times more for the same work and, most of the time, in Romania the quality of work exceeds international standards", the release adds.

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