German chancellor Olaf Scholz discusses with president Iohannis on conversation with Vladimir Putin

German chancellor Olaf Scholz discusses with president Iohannis on conversation with Vladimir Putin
📅 2024-11-17

President Klaus Iohannis had bilateral consultations with the chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz on Friday, on the occasion of his official visit to Berlin, in which context the German leader informed Iohannis about the telephone conversation he had had with the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in which he asked him to stop the attacks on Ukraine, told Agerpres.

From the perspective of the war in Ukraine, which raises serious security challenges for Europe, Klaus Iohannis emphasized that "Germany is a reliable ally of our country, which significantly contributes to ensuring our security by strengthening NATO's Eastern Flank and by supporting Ukraine to resist Russian aggression", the Presidential Administration informs.

According to the cited source, the agenda of the discussions included Romanian-German cooperation on all levels, with particular emphasis on the development of economic relations, the stimulation of investments and the strengthening of cooperation in the sphere of European affairs and security.

Romania's accession to the Schengen area with land borders was also on the discussion agenda, and Iohannis thanked Germany for its active support and constructive approach. He emphasized that our country fulfills its role as guarantor of security at the external border of the EU, a fact recognized at the European level, and full accession to Schengen will strengthen this space. For his part, chancellor Scholz reassured Romania of Germany's support so that it fully joins the Schengen area as soon as possible.

Aspects related to the strengthening of military cooperation and NATO's deterrence position were also discussed, including the support given by Germany to Romania for strengthening air defense. The strategic importance of the Black Sea in the current security context was mentioned, as an increased presence of NATO in the region is necessary, which makes it necessary to include the Black Sea issue in all relevant processes for strengthening the security of the Euro-Atlantic space.

The president of Romania showed, during the meeting, that the relations between Romania and the Federal Republic of Germany have "a strategic character that is based on the interests related to ensuring European prosperity and security and on the coordinated action to achieve these objectives, both within the European Union, as well as allies within NATO".

Klaus Iohannis also emphasized the importance of economic cooperation and balancing the trade, Germany being the main commercial partner of Romania and the second investor in the Romanian economy.

During the discussion, the common desire for the further development of cooperation in already traditional fields, but also in the field of new technologies, by supporting the recovery of European economies on a sustainable basis, was highlighted.

An important place on the agenda of the discussions between Klaus Iohannis and Olaf Scholz was given to the challenges the European Union is facing in the current internal and international context, being highlighted the most suitable ways to maintain the EU's unity of action, its competitiveness and security.

The president of Romania and the federal chancellor discussed the ways to advance the European project, the importance of maintaining European cohesion, unity and solidarity. They emphasized, in the context, "the need for closer cooperation between all the member states and the streamlining of procedures, so that the European Union can respond effectively to the need to ensure its competitiveness and influence on a global scale".

"At the same time, the EU must respond to the current needs and fears of the citizens, in order to defend democracy and the European project in the face of the growing influence of populist-extremist forces", the Presidential Administration says.

Klaus Iohannis emphasized that Romania "will remain a factor of stability and balance in the region and in Europe, and the consolidation of this status represents a commitment of the Romanian authorities".

The Romanian president and the German chancellor also addressed the strengthening of the transatlantic relationship, as an essential factor for ensuring European security, including from the perspective of installing a new Administration at the White House at the beginning of next year. As to ensuring European security, the president of Romania emphasized that it is necessary to continue supporting Ukraine.

The two also highlighted the need to provide sustained aid to the Republic of Moldova to ensure its well-being, security and European path, which was reaffirmed by the recent referendum and the re-election of president Maia Sandu. In this context, the support for the European path of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the partners from the Western Balkans was reiterated, based on the merits of the candidates in the reform processes.

Klaus Iohannis and Olaf Scholz agreed that the important Romanian community in Germany and the German minority in Romania "play an essential role as catalysts of dialogue and cooperation in the Romanian-German relationship".

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