ForMin Odobescu: Romania and Romanians decided that security of territory is better ensured within NATO

ForMin Odobescu: Romania and Romanians decided that security of territory is better ensured within NATO
📅 2024-12-05

Pragmatically and realistically, Romania and Romanians have decided that the security of the territory, ours and of our loved ones, is better ensured within NATO than we can do it alone, the Minister of Foreign Affairs , Luminita Odobescu stated on Tuesday.

The head of Romanian diplomacy is participating in the meeting of allied foreign ministers in Brussels, inform

"We must not forget that Romania's accession to NATO 20 years ago had the objective of strengthening Romania's security and protecting our country from any external threat or attack. We are living in unprecedented times. The security risks and challenges are obvious. We can cope with them only shoulder to shoulder with Romania's allies.We are located in the southeast of Europe, at the mouths of the Danube and the Black Sea, in a space of intersection and transition from Europe to the Caucasus and the Middle East," she said.

Odobescu added that NATO is an insurance for peace.

"Neutrality is a word in the wind when the region and the world see state actors that brutally challenge borders, territories, and even people's lives and freedom. Nobody wants war. This is exactly why NATO is the best assurance that Romania and Romanians are safe. All the horrors of war are happening in countries that do not have a security umbrella like the one offered by NATO," said the Romanian minister.

Thus, NATO membership "offers us the strongest security guarantees that our country has ever had and they are listed in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty".

"An armed attack against any NATO member is considered an attack against all, and each ally is called upon to provide support. The benefits for us are tangible and consistent. In the context of the growing threat of Russia and the war triggered by it near Romania, in Ukraine, we benefit from a concrete presence of the allies on our territory, with combat forces, with contributions to the defense of the airspace", she detailed.

Moreover, she reiterated that more than 5,000 allied troops are in Romania to deter and strengthen our defense, demonstrating that NATO is thus directly and visibly involved in protecting our security.

At the same time, she said that another beneficial effect of the presence of foreign troops on our territory is the revitalization of local economies in the areas where they are stationed.

"To support the common defense effort within NATO, including for our country, we participate in transport corridors designed to facilitate the military mobility of allied troops. The improvement of roads for military forces is also useful for civilian traffic and transport, contributing to the modernization of the infrastructure in Romania", stated Odobescu.

The head of Romanian diplomacy mentioned that NATO membership strengthens Romania's credibility internationally, including on the financial markets.

"Our country is seen as a safe and stable, well-defended state. Thus, Romanian and foreign investors have the confidence to conduct their business in Romania, generate capital and create jobs for Romanian citizens. Within NATO, we obtained funds for the improvement of military infrastructure, such as the modernization of some airports. We participate in programs to support the development of the industry defense, which also allows the transfer of advanced technologies to Romania and the creation of new partnerships or the establishment of new factories and companies in our country and increased professional opportunities for Romanian citizens", she pointed out.

Odobescu added that NATO is also a source of expertise in terms of defense against cyber, hybrid threats, as well as strengthening resilience against them.

"In NATO, Romania has a strong and respected voice. We participate in the decisions that influence European and Euro-Atlantic security, including ours. All decisions of the Alliance are taken by unanimous votes. NATO is not only a collective defense alliance. It is the strongest defense structure of Europe and of the Euro-Atlantic area, through a united effort of the European states with the USA and Canada. Romania has advocated continues to advocate that the development of common defense within the European Union should be done in synergy with NATO", said the Romanian foreign minister.

Thus, she highlighted the efforts to capitalize on the defense advantages of both organizations and stated that we must "build a solid and effective defense of Europe, which will shelter us from all dangers and from which we can fully benefit".

"In its history, sovereign Romania gained its dignity and found recognition in the world through the sacrifice, dedication and courage of its citizens. But Romania was prosperous, safe and developed when it had partners with whom it could share the same values and visions. Today we are not alone and that's why we are safe", added Luminita Odobescu.

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