Defence Minister Tilvar attends Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in Brussels

Defence Minister Tilvar attends Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in Brussels
📅 2024-10-19

The Minister of National Defence, Angel Tilvar, participated in the Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers, held on Thursday and Friday at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, inform

According to a press release sent on Saturday by the Ministry of National Defence (MApN), two important sessions of the ministerial meeting took place on the first day. The first session was dedicated to cooperation with partner states in the Indo-Pacific region, and the second, the NATO-Ukraine Council, which reaffirmed the strong support for Ukraine.

"The Romanian official emphasized our country's commitment to supporting Ukraine, both through bilateral initiatives and through effective coordination at NATO and EU level, to ensure complementarity of actions," reads the release.

Also on Thursday, the Defence Minister signed a Letter of Intent for cooperation in the development of multinational fleets of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) as part of the enhancement of NATO's Ground Surveillance Force (NISRF).

On the sidelines of the meeting, Angel Tilvar signed a letter of intent on the establishment of a military mobility corridor between Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, essential for improving connectivity and rapid response capabilities in the Black Sea region.

On Friday, the Defence minister attended the NATO session on the defence and deterrence posture, where he emphasized the need for rapid implementation of regional defence plans, especially in the context of the challenges in the Black Sea region. He underlined the importance of integrated allied air and missile defence in the context of unauthorized incursions of Russian drones into NATO airspace.

The Romanian official also signed the document on Romania's accession to the Pan-European Military Mobility Corridor VIII initiative, together with Albania, Bulgaria, Italy and North Macedonia, in order to improve the rapid response capability in the region. On the sidelines of the ministerial meeting, Minister Tilvar had a bilateral meeting with his Albanian counterpart, with whom he discussed security in the Western Balkans, NATO collaboration and the strengthening of bilateral relations.

Angel Tilvar also attended the anniversary meeting of the Global Anti-ISIS/Daesh Coalition, reaffirming Romania's commitment to fighting international terrorism and its active contribution in the regions affected by this phenomenon.

"The Romanian minister of Defence also took part in the meeting of the states participating in the Framework Nations Concept (FNC), coordinated by Germany. The FNC represents an essential platform for the development of NATO capabilities, playing an important role in strengthening the defence and deterrence posture of the Alliance," the MApN further informs.

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