Current building tax, land tax calculation system to be maintained until start-2026, Gov't says

Current building tax, land tax calculation system to be maintained until start-2026, Gov't says
📅 2024-10-23

The Government decided on Wednesday, through an emergency ordinance, that the current system of calculating the tax on buildings and the tax on land will be maintained until the beginning of 2026.

Thus, the Government approved the extension of the entry into force of the provisions relating to the tax on buildings and the tax on land provided by OG no. 16/2022 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code, the repeal of some normative acts and other financial-fiscal measures, from January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2026.

"For the implementation of the real estate tax reform, a specialized structure will be established within the Ministry of Finance, according to the recommendations of the international institutions that provided technical assistance - the World Bank and the IMF. The implementation of the real estate tax reform represents a commitment assumed by the PNRR", the release reads.

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