Conductor Macelaru: There will be new things in the festival from Enescu's compositions

Conductor Macelaru: There will be new things in the festival from Enescu's compositions
📅 2025-01-20

The 27th edition of the George Enescu International Music Festival places an important emphasis on cultural events and concerts, as many as possible throughout Romania and for all Romanians, orchestra conductor Cristian Macelaru, artistic director of the festival, told a news conference on Monday in Bucharest.

"This year is a year in which we commemorate 70 years since the passing of the great composer George Enescu. Of course, each festival and the creation of the festival itself was to put Enescu's music and genius on a more important and visible global plane, and we continue in the same vein. This year we have many of Enescu's compositions. There will also be unique things that will be presented in the festival from Enescu's compositions, things that will of course be accessible for you to see on the festival's website", said Macelaru.

He added that at this year's edition of the festival, several events will be marked with a series of concerts.

"It is 70 years since Enescu's death. But you still have some composers who are very close to Enescu and to the hearts of music lovers in Romania. It is 50 years since the death of Shostakovich, who will have a special vision in the festival; it is 100 years since the birth of Pierre Boulez; it is 150 years since the birth of Maurice Ravel; and, at the same time, it is 100 years since the birth of conductor Marin Constantin; 100 years of activity for the Danish National Symphony Orchestra; 45 years since the establishment of the Bremen Chamber Philharmonic and 70 years since the foundation of the Transylvania Philharmonic Orchestra in Cluj-Napoca. Having these beautiful figures, these beautiful years, we have thought of a series of concerts in which to celebrate these beautiful things. That is why you will see a series of concerts at the Radio Hall that emphasises these composers and we will present a new series of concerts in the hall."

Macelaru added that 95 concerts will be continued in Bucharest - 27 at the Palace Hall, 28 at the Athenaeum, 11 concerts at midnight, the concerts at the Radio Hall, the series Enescu at 70 years from the death - which will be at the Auditorium Hall, the series of concerts for families and children.

"Then, we have a unique thing, in which we present two operas staged at the National Opera House. We are talking about Enescu's 'Oedipus' and we are talking about Ravel - 'The Spanish Hour.' It's very nice that we can have this in the festival. (...) We have many other works. We have seven operas presented in concert, unique operas."

At this year's edition of the festival, "many artists who are currently the most recognised on all international levels" will be present in Romania.

Romania's Minister of Culture Natalia Intotero said that the presence of such a festival in Romania is also due to Macelaru.

"It will be a successful edition and the fact that it started from the first days of the calendar year, I am convinced that Romania will gain appreciation again at international level, not only nationally, through the presence of the artists, through the involvement of everyone. (...) I am here to assure you of all our dedication. (...) As I mentioned in the beginning, the budget is not yet outlined, we are waiting with interest, but I can assure you that we will make every effort to have a budget that meets the need and, equally, from the discussions I had with Mrs Uruc last week, they made a greater request than last year, almost 24-25 percent. We hope to fit into the budget that will satisfy the development of this festival in the best conditions. (...) As I was saying, it is a country brand and it is our duty, of all of us, to support and carry on this country brand," said Intotero.

Bucharest General Mayor Nicusor Dan, said that the Enescu Festival demands a high standard and it is necessary for Bucharest to become a brand for this type of events.

"It is a great joy for Bucharest to host this festival. It is one of our concerns to boost cultural, academic, sports events, so that Bucharest becomes a brand for this type of events. The Enescu Festival is needed in the Romanian cultural landscape because it demands a high standard and that other cultural operators would emulate. The Enescu Festival is also needed for contact with the general public. We are living in a time when we it is important to reconnect with culture," said Dan.

He reminded that following the vote of Bucharest residents in a recent referendum, "if some things happen next, probably the contribution of the City Hall to this huge event will be greater."

Cristina Uruc, the interim manager of ARTEXIM, the organiser of the festival, highlighted that the 27thI edition of the Enescu Festival "promises to be a very challenging one, perhaps one of the most challenging from an organisational point of view".

"80 symphonic concerts, chamber concerts, choirs, instrumental ensembles from two to ten musicians, from 28 countries, will come to Bucharest and elsewhere in the country, among which 18 are from Romania, 9 from Germany, 6 ensembles of European projects (...), followed by ensembles from France, the UK, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, Austria and Nordic countries such as Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia," said Uruc.

About 50 concerts and recitals will be staged in Romania during the festival in places like Timisoara, Cluj, Sibiu, Iasi, Bacau, Arad, Satu Mare and Braila.

The 27th edition of the George Enescu International Music Festival unfolds between August 24 and September 21.

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