Colombian arrested for attempted Russian-coordinated sabotage act was targeting critical infrastructure near Bucharest

Colombian arrested for attempted Russian-coordinated sabotage act was targeting critical infrastructure near Bucharest
📅 2025-01-17

Romanian police and the country's Intelligence Service presented on Friday details about the strategic infrastructure a Colombian man detained on charges of attempted diversion and sabotage intended to blow up at the behest of a Russian proxy - a recyclable waste deposit in Ilfov, two oil drilling wells and a gas regulation/metering station, informs Agerpres.

According to the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), 34-year-old Colombian citizen Murillo Diosa Luis Alfonso was affiliated with an extensive network of saboteurs targeting European countries, controlled through proxies by the Russian secret services. On November 13, 2024, he was sent to trial by anti-terror prosecutors for attempted diversion acts.

According to initial investigations, the Colombian traveled to Romania in July 2024, and reportedly carried out extensive documentation for implementing a plan to set on fire or destroy by explosion some Romanian sites, all of which were of critical importance to national security. Between July 28 - 30, 2024, while physically in Romania, the 34-year-old man proceeded to conduct reconnaissance of the objectives, and to identifying the access and withdrawal routes of the targets, which are located in the vicinity of a complex in Ilfov County that accommodates a recyclable waste deposit, two oil extraction wells and a natural gas regulation/metering station. The Colombian allegedly took photographs and videos of the respective targets.

According to the investigators, the Colombian arrived in Romania by plane in the morning of July 28, traveling the route Medellin, Colombia - Madrid, Spain - Mykonos, Greece - Bucharest, Otopeni. He then checked into a hotel in Bucharest. On July 29, 2024, he went to a locality in Ilfov County, in the proximity of the targeted site.

The man has completed his military training in the Colombian armed forces, and is trained in information gathering, research and documentation activities. According to investigators, his internet searches on substances and ingredients for civilian use, accessible on the free market, corroborated with his military training and some video content accessed online on the manufacturing of explosive/incendiary devices, confirm the tasks received from his contact person, as well as his intention to proceed with the destruction of Romanian targets by blowing them up, setting them on fire, or by other means.

Police, acting with the specialized support of the Romanian Intelligence Service thwarted this sabotage operation that was actually orchestrated by the Russian Federation. Between July and August, Romania was targeted by several such aborted attempts, with the SRI managing to prevent them by identifying the attacker before he was able to take action. This modus operandi is part of the arsenal of hybrid techniques the Russian Federation uses in Romania, as well as in allied states, the SRI release states, adding that the information obtained by the SRI and transmitted promptly to the Foreign Affairs Ministry allowed his detention on July 30, 2024.

According to the SRI, the specific operating mode of the Russian services is highlighted by the involvement of a proxy - who acts as an organizer and recruiter on virtual social media platforms, makes and pays in advance for travel and accommodation reservations, and indicates (on encrypted applications) the type of mission, destination and targets.

The saboteur was instructed to communicate periodically and to personally document the entire cycle of activities he was going to carry out, sending images with specific landmarks as proof that he was acting according to the training received.

Also, the photo-video documentation was necessary for the use of data in fake news campaigns carried out on social media platforms, for the propagandistic presentation of large-scale diversion operations carried out by an alleged Ukrainian pro-Russian resistance, the aforementioned release notes.

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