Burduja: I am confident that this year we will inaugurate Rastolita hydropower plant

Burduja: I am confident that this year we will inaugurate Rastolita hydropower plant
📅 2025-01-10

The completion of the hydropower plants started before 1989 is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Energy and I am confident that this year we will mark a first and inaugurate the Rastolita hydropower plant, the first completed after more than 34 years, said the responsible minister, Sebastian Burduja, informs Agerpres.

"One of the priorities of the Ministry of Energy is the completion of hydropower plants started before 1989. Blocked for decades by the processes of some environmental organizations, carelessness or incompetence, these projects mean Romania's chance to have a safer, cheaper and cleaner energy. The Romanian state has already invested billions of lei in these objectives, and no matter how many interests I disturb, I will not stop until we complete them confident that this year we will mark a first and inaugurate the first completed hydropower plant after over 34 years. Today in the Government meeting the Government Decision for the expropriation corridor was approved. It is another step, after obtaining a new environmental agreement last year, a success achieved with the support of my colleague and friend Mircea Fechet, the Minister of the Environment both with protests and threats," said Burduja, quoted in a ministry statement.

According to him, it will be removed from the forest fund for the surface of the tank of the reservoir (HG initiated by the Ministry of the Environment), then the completion of the last works (the stage is approaching 100%) and the filling of the lake, after which the production will begin.

"I was on the Rastolita construction site at the end of last year and I can confirm that the works are on schedule. If everything goes well, by the fall we will have a new 30 MW hydropower plant in Romania, a flexible group that will help us much, especially to cover consumption peaks. Each MW we add to the national energy system means lower bills for Romanians and companies Romanians. And we will demonstrate that Romania can complete a strategic investment of over 200 million euros, without being stopped by anyone and anything," emphasized the Minister of Energy.

The Executive adopted in the Friday meeting the Decision regarding the completion of annex no. 2 to HG no. 900/2017, which allows the updating of the list of privately owned buildings necessary for the realization of the public utility work of national interest "Rastolita Hydropower Development". This project represents a strategic priority of Romania, being declared a national security objective according to GEO no. 175/2022.

The Rastolita Hydropower Plant, located in the north-east of Mures county, is part of the category of works of national interest for the realization, development and production of electricity.

The Ministry of Energy specifies that the Rastolita Hydropower Development brings the following benefits to Romania: contribution to national energy security, Râstoliţa being part of the chain of new hydropower plants developed by Hidroelectrica, a strategic company of the Romanian state; green energy source, the project using renewable sources, supporting Romania's objectives of reducing carbon emissions, as assumed in the National Plan Regarding Climate Change and Romania's Energy Strategy 2025-2035; complex use of water resources, the arrangement to ensure both energy production and secondary uses, such as water management and flood prevention.

According to the press release, the updating of the list of buildings and the addition of the sums for the expropriation corridor, in total value of almost 5.66 million RON, were necessary to reflect the current legal situations.

"These measures are essential for complying with legal obligations and ensuring a fair process for the affected owners. Moreover, the project could not proceed to the removal of the surface of the lake basin from the forest fund without this essential step. The Ministry of Energy reiterates its commitment to the development of strategic energy projects and encourages cooperation between all parties involved for the successful completion of the Hydropower Development Rastolita," the press release also mentions.

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