Bucharest Jewish Film Festival to offer films by renowned directors, exhibitions, gastronomic events

Bucharest Jewish Film Festival to offer films by renowned directors, exhibitions, gastronomic events
📅 2024-10-24

Films by renowned Jewish directors, film productions from Israel, Germany, France and the United States of America, will run, between October 27 and 31, at the ninth edition of the Bucharest Jewish Film Festival.

Housing the festival events will be the ARCUB headquarters on Gabroveni Street.

Along with the films, there will also be musical moments, book launches, exhibitions, as well as events dedicated to gastronomy.

A novelty of this edition is a short film contest for teenagers from the eighth to twelfth grades, initiated out of a desire to contribute to the knowledge of the values of the Jewish heritage and of the Jewish personalities among the new generations.

The central theme of this year's edition is "The Ages of Identity," with the films for the festival being selected to offer the public a broader vision of Jewish culture, values and traditions.

The official opening of this year's edition of the festival will take place on Sunday, at 18:00, with a film, visual arts, books and music.

Running at the opening will be the film "Telling Nonie" directed by Paz Schwartz, winner of the Award for Intercultural Dialogue at the Berlin Brandenburg Jewish Film Festival.

On the same evening, the exhibition "Sephardic Bucharest" will open in the presence of the authors - Felicia Waldman and Anca Tudorancea - that can be visited throughout the five days of the festival. Also, the volume "Halfon saga: a story about The Rise and Decline of the Sephardic Aristocracy in Romania," by Felicia Waldman, published by Integral Publishing House, will be launched on the opening night of this year's edition of the Jewish Film Festival. The musical moment of the evening will be performed by Ethan Schmeisser (piano) and Oana Berbec (soprano).

Running in the festival along with the opening film will be the films "Vishniac," directed by Laura Bialis, and "Paris Boutique," directed by Marco Carmel - on October 28, "The Return from the Other Planet", directed by Assaf Lapid, and "A Good Jewish Boy", directed by Noah Debre - on October 29, " The Waters of the Bug River," directed by Marc Sagnol, and 'Sallah Shabbati,' directed by Ephraim Kishon - on October 30.

The closing evening brings together a rich program with film, music, as well as a demonstration of Jewish cuisine.

The film of the evening is a film rewarded with no less than 10 Ophir Awards (Israeli Oscars or Israeli Academy Awards for excellence in film and television) - "Seven Blessings," directed by Ayelet Menahemi.

The musical moment of the evening brings together Tehila Nini Goldstein (mezzo-soprano), Ethan Schmeisser (piano), Laura Turlea (violin), Mladen Spasinovici (cello) and Ioana Balasa (flute).

Admission to the films and related events is free, within the limit of available seats.

The Bucharest Jewish Film Festival is part of a network that includes 200 events organised around the world under the Jewish Film Festival brand.

This year's edition is organised by Semper Culturalia, in partnership with the Bucharest City Hall through ARCUB - Cultural Centre of Bucharest, with financial support from Romania's Ministry of Culture and the Department of Interethnic Relations.

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