A 30% voter turnout is necessary for the local referendum to be valid (Bucharest's mayor Dan)

A 30% voter turnout is necessary for the local referendum to be valid (Bucharest's mayor Dan)
📅 2024-10-22

The mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, explained on Tuesday that a 30% voter turnout is necessary for the local referendum to be valid.

At the same time, the Municipal Electoral Bureau will establish in the case of each of the three questions whether the referendum is valid or not.

"We have a referendum with three questions, but the validity of the referendum will be determined question by question. And then, for the referendum on one of the questions to be valid, there must be a 30% turnout of the number of Bucharest residents registered in the electoral list - that is, 540,000 people. 25% of the voters registered in the Electoral Register must express an option - that is, take the ballot and say 'yes' or 'no' - that means 450,000 people more than half of those who answered 'yes' or 'no' should say 'yes'", explained the general mayor in a live intervention on Facebook.

Nicusor Dan specified that, if the measure proposed by the referendum is implemented, all construction works will be authorized by the general mayor, including those carried out by the sector municipalities. He explained that the district councilors will continue to have attributions regarding: schools, secondary streets, parks, waste collection, street cleaning, the social field.

At the same time, he mentioned that 4,000 building permits are issued annually in the capital city. Of these, the City Hall of the Capital annually issues 600 - 700 authorizations, and he has signed a total of approximately 2,500 authorizations up to now.

"What I guarantee you is that we will respect the law, which cannot be said about what is happening in some sectors at the moment. (...) At the moment, no one is checking the urban planning activity of the sector municipalities. Civil society is numerically small - unfortunately - to deal with all the problems related to urbanism, in Bucharest and in Romania. The control institutions are not working. And we are in a situation where what happens in the sectors is not controlled by anyone in the name of the general mayor. It's easier to follow the discipline in construction and in authorization in one town hall than in seven town halls", he said.

The general mayor also specified that there were "very many" construction permits issued by the sector mayors that he would not have given.

"What interests me is to solve the two main problems I faced during my first four-year mandate. And I consider it honest to tell the people of Bucharest how they can help me so that things go better for Bucharest, in the second term," he said.

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