Barleta Turns 30 - Deș - Liderul presei băcăuane

Barleta Turns 30 - Deș - Liderul presei băcăuane
📅 2024-10-24

On November 25, 1994, Barleta, a company with 100% Romanian ownership, was founded at the initiative of two friends, Horațiu and Florin, who brought in five more partners — Gigi, Leo, Corneliu, Dodo, and Bobo.

The company’s first steps in the business world were in the trade of paper and cardboard, operating out of a garage of approximately 30 square meters. The engineering background of the shareholders and their experience in the pulp and paper industry naturally led them towards production. Their first venture was into manufacturing paper envelopes, in collaboration with a French company. However, after 3-4 months, they realized it wasn’t the right path. This experience left them with a working agenda from a foreign company and a significant amount of money spent during their time in France.

In 1996, they chose their second option: purchasing a paper bag production machine from Italy. This machine, which is still in operation today, became the cornerstone of Barleta’s future production activities. It symbolizes the team’s durability and tenacity, even impressing German technical partners, who couldn’t believe such equipment could run for so long without external repairs, unaware that Barleta had the capability to perform its own maintenance.

The first paper bags produced were for Pambac, a notable company in Romania’s milling and baking industry, a client with whom Barleta celebrates nearly 30 years of collaboration. This was just the beginning of a series of successes that turned Barleta into a major player in the local market. Expanding the customer base required extraordinary efforts, including traveling tens of thousands of kilometers to showcase products in every Romanian city, visiting mills, bakeries, pastry shops, and other small businesses to attract new clients. As orders grew, Barleta expanded to two shifts, reaching seven shareholders and ten employees.

In 1999, Barleta made a significant move to its current location, a production facility covering over 13,500 square meters. Continuous investment in modernizing production lines and diversifying its product portfolio has allowed the company to meet the demands of various industries.

One of the pillars of Barleta’s success has been its constant investment in new and modern machinery. In 2007, the company took a bold step by securing a loan of approximately 8 million euros to acquire new equipment. This investment was made at a delicate time, just as the global economic crisis was about to erupt, but Barleta’s management decided to take the risk. The loan was secured with all company assets, including the founders’ parents’ homes.

The results were remarkable: the new machinery enabled the production of higher-quality bags with perfect geometry and high-precision printing, including flexographic printing in up to eight colors. Moreover, the energy efficiency of the equipment reduced costs and technological losses while increasing productivity.

The primary reason for these investments was to diversify Barleta’s product portfolio, allowing the company to produce a wide range of paper packaging, such as bags and sacks. These products are used in various industries, including milling and baking, sugar, food processing, fast food chains, catering, HoReCa, retail, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, personal care, pet food, bedding, construction materials, and charcoal. This diversification has allowed Barleta to adapt to the varied market demands and cover a wide range of packaging needs.

Barleta also began expanding internationally, becoming a significant player in exports, which now account for 35-40% of the company’s turnover. Barleta’s paper bags are exported to over 25 countries, with trusted partners who have become official distributors in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Israel, Greece, Hungary, and the Republic of Moldova.

A key factor in Barleta’s international success has been its ability to compete with global competitors and participate in major tenders. This has been possible due to efficient cost management and the use of cutting-edge production technology, which has not only enhanced productivity but also maintained the highest quality standards.

Barleta has always prioritized quality and compliance with the highest international standards. The company has obtained multiple certifications demonstrating its commitment to excellence, sustainability, and food safety. Among these are ISO 9001, ISO 22000, and HACCP certifications, ensuring that Barleta’s products are safe for food packaging. Additionally, the company is in the process of implementing BRC (British Retail Consortium) certification, essential for accessing the international food market, and it holds FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, proving that Barleta uses responsibly sourced raw materials. Furthermore, compostability certification confirms that Barleta’s products are biodegradable and contribute to reducing environmental impact.

Barleta is deeply committed to environmental protection and adopting sustainable practices. Currently, 100% of the waste generated during production is collected and sorted for recycling, as part of a continuous effort to support the circular economy. The company has also invested in renewable energy, installing solar panels that supply over 60% of Barleta’s energy needs, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability.

In its early days, Barleta produced about 15 million bags annually. Thanks to investments in modern technology and expanding production capacity, the company now produces over 600 million bags annually with the help of 250 employees. Over its 30-year existence, Barleta has produced the equivalent of two bags for every person on the planet — over 18 billion bags. If all the bags produced by Barleta in a single year were lined up, their length would circle the Earth five times.

The amount of paper used annually by Barleta is equivalent to the weight of 3,000 Toyota Land Cruisers or approximately the weight of the Eiffel Tower. These comparisons highlight the immense quantity of materials processed over the years.

Looking ahead, Barleta is investing in building a team prepared to carry on the company’s legacy, with quality and sustainability remaining central to its long-term success. Barleta is proud that, over the years, three generations from the same family have worked at the company, strengthening its status as a family business where values like loyalty and continuity have been passed down through generations.

Barleta extends its deep gratitude to its partners, suppliers, and customers who have contributed to the company’s success over the years. Without their constant support, Barleta would not have reached where it is today. The suppliers have provided high-quality resources, and the customers, through their trust, have given the company the opportunity to evolve and grow. Together, strong bonds based on respect and collaboration have been built. Every step taken alongside these partners has strengthened Barleta and inspired them to improve continuously. A heartfelt thank you for your trust and loyalty! You are part of Barleta’s story and have helped turn their dream into reality.

What remains truly special about Barleta is not just its technological progress or impressive business scale but the people who have made this project a reality. It is the journey of a company that has not only produced bags but has created a lasting legacy built on responsibility, family, and excellence.

Thank you!

A time comes when everything in this world takes on a new meaning, a new dimension. Everything that has been gathered with dedication over the years must be returned to those around us. Intelligence, good order, diligence, and the strength to rise above life’s challenges should give us energies we never knew we had.

This is the impression left by reading this documentary, showing interest in understanding the past and present of the Barleta company.

Over the years, it has faced many situations but has always succeeded through dedication and fairness, managing after 30 years to export to 26 countries across 3 continents.

The performance, courage, and triumph of Barleta’s associates have created a practical acronym that both they and their successors are proud of.

Romanian Language and Literature Teacher,

Nicoleta Uncescu

On this anniversary, we thank the Barleta team for your professionalism and for the entire contribution you have made over these years alongside KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell.

We have faced difficult challenges, but we worked together and overcame them successfully.

Thank you for the creative ideas, enthusiasm, and commitment.

You are an exceptional team!

Director of Procurement Sphera Group

Bogdan Cheța

Once upon a time, as all beautiful stories begin, so did our story with Barleta.

It was in 2013 when the brave knights of Barleta, neighbors of LUCA fortress in Bacău, came to introduce themselves and propose a noble alliance. And what trials we put them through! We sent them for the lowest prices in the bear’s discount garden, for the best paper in the land of Emperor White, and we asked them to produce overnight a batch of bags that others couldn’t finish in three days. But the Barleta knights never gave up, and after every challenge, they showed that they wanted, even more, to become our brothers in good deeds. Since then, through thick and thin, shoulder to shoulder, we have fought for the same ideals: quality, seriousness, promptness. And time passed, LUCA even attracted the dragon to its side, the fortress from Bacău sent envoys to another thirty cities in the country, delighting the people with goods packed in Barleta bags, and the story continues, because distance and effort don’t matter when you have a partner fit for the journey.

„Birds of a feather flock together,” says an old Romanian proverb. That’s how we, the people of LUCA and BARLETA, came together, out of respect for tradition, for well-done work, out of the belief that we can make a positive change.

Since 2013, we have been writing a beautiful story together, a story we want to carry on as far as possible, bringing joy to as many people as we can. It’s about MAKING GOOD and DOING GOOD.

Happy birthday, Barleta, now and for another thirty years to come, may we always be together!

President of LUCA Bakeries

George Adragăi

With a unique design, a certified quality of packaging, and not least, with the utmost professionalism of the staff, Barleta has managed to establish itself in the industry, both in the country and beyond its borders.

We are glad to have been part of this construction. Much success in the future!

President ROMPAN

Aurel Popescu

The earth is long… and it’s wide

And the world has greatly changed!

Everything comes wrapped…

But what’s good is bare!

You can roam the wide world

To dress up your product

But if you want it to be right

You’ll always return to Bacău!

There lies BARLETA

And the „seven musketeers”

They win the competition…

The biggest and the best!

That is… they were!

We’re not praising them without cause…

We give them the final verdict

In another… thirty years!

BARLETA is a serious company that has earned its respect over time through hard work, dedication, punctuality, and mutual respect.

True partners!

Happy birthday!

President of Moara Cibin

Mircea Ureche

Dear partner,

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY on the occasion of 30 years of activity!

Thank you for your professionalism and commitment, for your active involvement, and for the support provided in our collaborative relationship. We appreciate the dedication and competence of your team.

We hope to continue this collaboration in the future.

With respect,

Commercial Director AGRANA Romania

Bîlbîie Adrian

Congratulations on 30 incredible years!

It’s been a real privilege working alongside you for 20 of them.

In that time, I’ve not only seen the company grow, but I’ve also had the chance to form some amazing friendships with so many of you. Together, we’ve shared successes and challenges!

Here’s to the next chapter—may it be filled with even more accomplishments, laughter, and just enough chaos to keep things interesting.

Cheers to many more years of partnership and good times ahead!


Kathy Vanhaesebrouck – CEO


We would like to thank all Barleta personnel for more than 11 years of excellent cooperation.

Our collaboration is more than a business partnership. We respect and trust each other, which is, in our opinion, the true value.

We wish all of you further great business and personal successes.

Sincerely yours,


Gkintidis Ioannis – CEO and family

Dear Barleta,

Happy birthday! For you, it’s 30 years, and for us, it’s 10 years together. So, it’s a double celebration! Ten years of relationships with wonderful people on many projects. I wish you to stay young and open-minded, continuing to embark on great projects together.

I wish all the people and partners who work in and with Barleta many more good years together to develop and innovate because together we are one big family. Happy birthday!


Meir Niv CEO

We at GARANT want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your trust and support over the years. It has always been a pleasure working with you, and your partnership was and is highly appreciated.

We look forward to continuing our successful cooperation for many more years to come. Thank you!


Torsten Berding General Manager

We are grateful for the opportunity to establish a lasting business relationship with Barleta. Apart from their always prompt, serious, and trustworthy approach to our business, they have also opened up a window of opportunity for us to enter a new part of the world, for which we are thankful. We look forward to a future in which we can not only continue but also expand our collaboration with Barleta, which has been founded on mutual respect, trust, and sincerity.


Hiroyuki Watanabe

Managing Director Overseas Division

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On November 25, 1994, Barleta, a company with 100% Romanian ownership, was founded at the initiative of two friends, Horațiu and Florin, who brought in five more partners — Gigi, Leo, Corneliu, Dodo, and Bobo. The company’s first steps in the business world were in the trade of paper and ca...

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